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My name is Terry Gyde. I am married to a wonderfully faithful man. God has blessed us with 5 children and 15 grandchildren that were all born to be a blessing! My own births were each different and challenging in their own ways. They included forceps, an epidural, a c-section with my twins, an all natural VBAC, a miscarriage and a full-term loss. This personal history has given me great compassion and experience to help woman in many different circumstances.
I have been supporting women and their families in birth since 1985. For the first 14 years, I served as a doula and childbirth educator. My passion to help women compelled me to become a midwife in 2004. I later took the NARM exam and became a Certified Professional Midwife and a Licensed Midwife in Texas.
Women are beautiful and so strong! One of my favorite birth memories was during a birth I attended as a doula. A CNM friend asked if I would be willing to come be with a young African-American woman who was laboring alone and without family support. I determined to pamper her and make her feel as if she was a queen. During her labor, I put her in the tub even though the hospitaI l would not allow her to actually give birth in the water. As her contractions became stronger, I felt the Lord prompt me to sing Amazing Grace over her. To my surprise, she began to sing with me. She had a beautiful voice! Peace surrounded us as she sang through her transition. Her body began to push spontaneously and there was no getting her out of the tub! Her baby was born into a peaceful, loving environment with much joy!
I enjoy coming alongside women and encourage health during their pregnancies. This allows them to avoid the pitfalls that could eventually cause them to end up with a hospital birth. Because of my years as a doula and my love for the Lord, I have a gift to give couples in labor that will help them cross the finish line with much grace and peace. It is my desire to lovingly guide couples through pregnancy and birth with education, nutrition, and prayer.
Now serving Waxahachie and surrounding areas!!
Office is located at 612 S Rogers St. Waxahachie, Texas 75165
SERVICES: Pre-Pregnancy counseling, fertility help, Water Birth in heated pool, VBAC,
Childbirth Classes, In house Chiropractor. CNM on staff for GYN care & referrals.
Providing Personal, Individualized Midwifery Care with Love, Encouragement, and Prayer since 2004.
Call for Free Consultation to meet us, get a tour and all of your questions answered!
I look forward to meeting you!!
Terry Gyde CPM, LM
Born2BaBlessing LLC
Office 817-980-1010
Cell 817-727-5529
FAX # 817-887-1537
email:Terry@Born2BABlessing.net http://wwwborn2bablessing.net